Spearmint Tea – the savior for Women
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Spearmint (Mentha spicate) is an aromatic herb used for
medicinal and culinary purposes

Spearmint should not be confused for Peppermint Though they
are of same plant family (Lamiaceae)

Both have minty flavor and scent. The main difference is

that spearmint is slightly sweeter while peppermint is slightly  has cooling effects.

Benefits of Spearmint

Aids in Digestion.

digestion leads to a big tummy and excessive weight. The active ingredient
Carvone helps in reducing painful muscle contractions in the digestive tract by

Increasing the absorption of minerals from food.

Treats Hormonal acne

Scientific research done claims consumption of spearmint
reduce male hormones testosterone in women. The antioxidants found in the tea
helps to fight acne, Treats symptoms of PCOS and balances irregular periods. Treats


Regular consumption of spearmint tea holds high significance
in treating a condition called Hirsutism, which is a condition where women
develop dark, thick hair on unwanted places

like above the lips, at the chin or jawline or on the chest
or back. This is mostly caused due to the presence of high levels of
testosterone in the body

Enhancing Memory

Spearmint tea has got properties that promotes calmness.
Polyphenols found in the tea elevates brain functions, helps production of mood
enhancing neurotransmitters like serotonins and dopamine the happy hormones
that enhances good moods.

Relieve stress.

A cup of cooling spearmint helps you wind up a tiring day
Drinking the tea, facilitates the herb to bind with the benzodiazepine

receptors in the brain, acting as a mild sedative and
hypnotic agent. It also promotes the secretion of serotonin and melatonin
hormones in the body that

alleviates symptoms of chronic anxiety and stress and treats
disorders like

hysteria, nightmares, and insomnia

Reverses Aging

The natural polyphenols and phytochemicals in it also arrest
the various signs of aging like wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots, etc. and
imparts a

radiant and blemish-free natural glow to the skin

Although not very many tea packers sell spearmint in Kenya
because its rare. Vobyl ventures contracts Some Kenyans farmers have been
contracted to farm it organically for Vobyl teas and its now sold

On their website @ https://vobyltea.com/product/organic-spearmint/.
You can also do enquiries for loose spearmint.

How to brew this herb.

If you are familiar with green tea you know if you leave
green tea in the water for long the infusion will be more astringent (bitter
taster) The same goes for spearmint

Add water that has been boiled and cooled to 85 deg

Add a tea bag and let it infuse for 2 minutes